Sexual Harassment Attorney Salinas, CA
Call Out Sexual Harassment at Work with Our Help
As the #MeToo movement has been gathering steam across the world, more and more people are coming out with reports of workplace sexual harassment. While the sense of solidarity that it fosters is enough to come out and share your personal accounts of sexual harassment online, stronger measures ought to be taken to bring the offenders in line. Legal recourse must be sought. Legal condemnation must attempt to make a sexual offender accountable for his/her actions. They must not be let off the hook easy. Do you have a personal #MeToo story too? Well then, act on it. Approach our Law Office of John Klopfenstein at Salinas, CA 93901 and help us bring you justice.
What Qualifies as Sexual Harassment at Work?
Sexual harassment can be faced by men and women equally. So if you’re a man who has faced any untoward sexual advances or inappropriate sexual conduct in your workplace, you are just as legally viable to take legal recourse against your sexual offender as a woman. Sexual harassment at the workplace can interfere with your work performance and create a hostile work environment for you. It is a grave offense and has state and federal laws in place to protect vulnerable employees.
So what qualifies as sexual harassment in your workplace?
Inappropriate touching, cracking offensive sexually colored jokes and sharing intimate offensive material among co-workers can be flagged as sexual harassment at work. There are broadly two categories that fall under sexual harassment in the workplace. These are – hostile work environment and quid pro quo.
In the quid pro quo method of sexual harassment, an employer manipulates sexual favors out of an employee in exchange for job promotions, benefits and other perks. A single occurrence is enough to qualify as quid pro quo harassment. Extended harassment of nature turns into conditions for a hostile work environment.
Hostile work environment is legally punishable when the conduct faced by the victim is unreciprocated, severe and lasts over a significant time period.