Salinas Juvenile Defense Attorney
Protecting the Rights of Minors & Their Families
When someone under the age of 18 is accused of illegal activity in California, they face a range of serious and potentially life-altering consequences. These cases are handled via juvenile courts instead of the typical criminal justice system, which is reserved for prosecuting adults charged with various crimes. As such, it is essential that you work with an attorney who understands the juvenile justice system and how it works.
At Law Office of John Klopfenstein, we have more than 30 years of experience in criminal law. Our Salinas juvenile defense attorney knows how to protect the rights of minors, as well as guide them and their families through this difficult time.
Call (831) 610-5921 to request a consultation with Attorney John Klopfenstein today.
How Juvenile Cases Are Different
When minors are accused of criminal conduct or “status offenses,” such as curfew violations, their cases are overseen by juvenile court. Technically, this is outside the state’s criminal law system and, as such, these cases proceed much differently than typical criminal cases.
Firstly, the goal of the juvenile delinquency system is not to punish minors accused of committing crimes but, ostensibly, to rehabilitate them through community programs and other means. Furthermore, recent reforms to the juvenile justice system have resulted in the closure of all state detention facilities for minors and a transition to county control.
When a minor has a run-in with law enforcement, they can be arrested and turned over to the county’s probation department. At this point, the department will decide whether the minor should be referred to a juvenile delinquency court. If the judge finds that the minor committed a crime, he or she decides where to place the minor. Note that, in juvenile delinquency cases, there is no jury; the case is decided by a single judge.